Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Enter sandman

And kaypo man.
Southbank, Brisbane.


Anonymous said...

Interesting blog.
R u a oz perm resident?

Anonymous said...

yeah... got my oz PR.
are u in oz as well?

Anonymous said...

Oz PR.

R u a recent Oz PR (e.g. > 07) ?

Anonymous said...

How did u get into Griffith Medical School?

Were u ever a student in Oz prior to medicine?

Wow, ur parents must be loaded if so.

Unknown said...

sorry was just reviewing my blog and realized that you left a message.. sorry..

I was never a student in Oz. Got my PR in 2004, then went in to med under local quota.

I used my savings from work to fund my study and expenses. parents helped a bit.

Working in Brisbane now... finally.