We received our exam results last week, and yesterday, the school organized a feedback and Q&A session for us. Let's just say I definitely have room for improvement.
The session focused on where we did well, and where we faltered, and some statistics on how the cohort did as a whole.
Then they went on to talk about diagrams and drawings, and how we don't use enough of them. They proceeded to talk about one question where we had to draw a foetus and some of the relevant fluids, and then they flashed out some of our answers. They wanted to show us some extreme examples, and the point was that however bad the drawing, as long as it made sense, it was a good one.
When the first drawing went up on the screen, I recognized it straight away. It was mine. =)
And the crowd went "Awwwww.....". It was smiling. So was I.
In other examples there were stick figures, and some even looked like aliens.
So your drawing had a smiley foetus and it "made sense"? How about posting up a pic of it? I don't understand...
ya man, scan the pic and upload it leh...
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